Tableau, ArcGIS & Wordcloud Visualizations

Time Series, Social Network, GIS & Lyrics visualizations


Tableau & ArcGIS Visualizations | March - May, 2023

This page is dedicated to various visualizations I made through my journey learning DS.

The above is FB social network visualizations for 3000 anonymous users, created using Tableau.


This is a time series visualization of world temperature mean at wet seasons(DJF, MAM) from 1880 to 2015, created using Tableau.


Through the GIS course from US Davis on Coursera, I made my first map using ArcGIS.


A map plotting the percentages of yes votes for each California county for the ballot measure that requires Genetically Modified Organism labeling.

Most Frequent Words in Lyrics

Scrapped Harry Style’s most popular songs, extracted words in the lyrics and created wordcloud from them.